Are Wix Websites Good Or Bad For Seo?

Is Wix SEO friendly and is it better than WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.? Most web developers, digital marketing agencies, SEO experts and the like have always thumbed their nose up at Wix, but it this justified anymore? How does a Wix website compare to the likes of WordPress, Drupal and Joomla… Is it really as … Read more

ULEZ Euro 6 – What’s the big deal?

As all transport and haulage companies that operate in Central London will know, the rules regarding vehicle emissions have just had another big shake-up. Earlier this month on the 8th April 2019, any diesel vehicle, whether it be a car, van or lorry must be ULEZ ( Ultra Low Emission Zone) Euro 6 compliant. Nowadays, pretty much … Read more

What does HIAB mean and what is it?

A truck-mounted HIAB crane

For those within the transport industry, the word HIAB is synonymous with ‘loader crane’ but what does the word stand for and what does it actually mean? HIAB is an acronym. In other words, it’s an abbreviation of the full name of the company Hydrauliska Industri AB that manufactures this type of hydraulic crane. In fact, the … Read more

Flying pigs or flying trucks?

Flying pig attached to drone

As most of us know, if something sounds so far-fetched or utterly unbelievable, we’ll often reply with something along the lines of “oh yeah?.. and pigs might fly!”. So, if we told you that flying trucks might be on the horizon in the not too distant future, how would you respond? Scania’s vision of flying … Read more

Brexit – HGV Kent Access Permit or Passport to Pimlico?

HGV trucks queueing on a motorway

As most of us in the haulage, logistics and freight transportation industry will already no doubt be aware, plans are afoot to introduce a permit system (dubbed the Kent Access Permit) for all HGV lorry drivers who enter the county of Kent after the Brexit transition period ends, according to the Government. Following a letter … Read more